The GSC System

A key element in eliminating risk in financial markets trading is the “GSC System” developed in-house by Global Strategic Consultancy Limited.

This system virtually eliminates the high risks typically associated with financial markets trading while allowing retail investors to benefit from the fast, attractive returns trading activities provide.

How is the GSC System created?

The "GSC System" takes its name from our 3-pronged approach toward the identification, modelling, measurement, valuation, monitoring and mitigation of market risks. This unique Approach combines Big Data with Actuarial Science and Insurance Mechanisms to ensure every trade is risk-free for our clients.

Big Data

We collate Big Data relevant to each type of financial market trading so as to help us better understand the market and the Risk that is inherent in each market. Cutting-edge analytics software and professionals go through the data collected to help us filter and make sense of the data collected so as to accurately identify risk factors.

Big Data Collection from
the selected financial sector

Data Analytics

Identification of Risk Factors

Actuarial Science

Using Actuarial Science, our Market Risk Management professionals take a Systematic, Data-driven Approach when it comes to the modelling, measurement, valuation, monitoring and management of market risks.

Understanding the Risk Factors

We make it a point to understand each risk factor in absolute detail.

Quantifying Risk

We quantify each and every risk factor.

Formulating Strategy

Formulating a risk mitigation strategy whereby controls are implemented to prevent risks.

Review & Fine-Tuning

Controls are regularly reviewed and fine-tuned to ensure continued effectiveness.

Insurance Mechanism

Based on the concept of an insurance policy whereby any risk of losses is borne by the insurance policy. Utilizes an Assurance Pool which provides complete assurance to you on your trading funds whereby any losses are fully covered.

Cash Out
Assurance Mechanism Cover your loses
Zero Risk
Cash Out
Assurance Mechanism Cover your loses
Zero Risk

Sport Trading

Market Cap

$3 Trillion

Binary Option

Market Cap



Market Cap

Over $2409 Trillion


Market Cap

Over $100 Trillion


Market Cap



Market Cap

Over $200 Billion


Market Cap

Over $5000 Billion


Market Cap

$900 Billion